Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Exoticism Of Sumba Island Tours Without A Touch - Sumba island is located in the southwest part of Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)precisely Sumba island is 96 KM to the South of the island of Flores, 295 KM to the southwest of the island of Timor, and is 1,125 KM on the Northwest of the island ofDarwin. Sumba island is located on the outer arc of islands of NTT. The topography is hilly, with the most extensive savanna puts Sumba island on the fluffy shrubs and treesalong a circle mound. Tells the story of Sumba island is a story about the culture andcharm of the tour that stretched from one end of the horizon to the South-West most Eastern Sumba island.

The exoticism of Sumba Island tours have been legendary throughout the world. Byscientists archaeologists often called Sumba island as "the living megalithik culture" orthe megalithic culture continued living from 4,500 years ago that have survived to the present. Sumba island is composed of four districts namely: Southwest Sumba, SumbaBarat, Sumba Tengah, East Sumba and the main gate is now the island of Sumba.Charm owned Sumba island so evenly in each district that existed on the island ofSumba itself.

Southwest Sumba have tourism potential which still belongs to the Virgin. Nauticaltourism began, has beautiful beaches at Weekuri, Pero, and Kondamaloba who are dealing directly with the Indian Ocean. From kampung Tosi look gracefully in the midst of old trees and graves of the megatilik and there is also a regular in the title pasolahereditary. In the traditional village of Ratenggaro also has a very beautiful beach.Southwest Sumba Regency is a result of the expansion of the West Sumba also has a very stunning natural attractions.

In West Sumba also has tourism potential that is not less Interestingly. Like in kampung Ijing, kampung Tarung Parai Beach Marosi, exoticism, the beach and the beautiful beach, Rua Nihiwatu is famous to all parts of the country. Sunset Wanokaka, the beauty of the waterfalls as well as cultural attractions Popu La pasola Lamboya.Pasola by local people in believing that it is a sacred and divine inspiration of theancestor as the dominant religiostas Marapu.

Interesting also in Central Sumba Regency. Because it has a nautical charm andtraditional villages and nature tours. In the village of Anakalang and in Pasunga there is an impressive rock tombs, which are also present in Kabonduk. The charm of other cultural sites is the village Makaleri and Lai Showdown. Lai Showdown will be crowdedon the visit at the event "Puninggu Takadonga Queen" which is a custom event to honor deceased ancestors held each June.

Meanwhile in the East is also a very rich Source with its potential. Compared to other districts of East Sumba, more easily accessible either by sea or air. Because it has an airport and a wharf more representative. Tourists as well as among Canadian businesses are more likely to choose East Sumba Regency before proceeding to theother. Stretching as a trading city were more visible in the County (East Sumba).

Tourist potential to spread all over the territory ranging from Praing as there arewaterfalls, White beaches, the beauty of La Tarimbang, Purukambera and Londalimaare very deserving to be enjoyed. In Umambara and Pau in Melolo there is a residentialcustom homes, grave stones and ikat. The village of Ngalu and Kaliuda also known asikat cloth producers in Indonesia which is rich in natural colors.

But unfortunately the lack of attention from the Government and related parties makea charm tour in Sumba island has yet to be well managed.
To sell the tourist potentialities in Sumba island has the legendary around the world inneed of a tremendous movement from the promotion. There must be a steadycollaboration and indeed of the entire head area-related institutions and agencies that exist. Not only the Southwest Sumba Regency is been to rival Bali the island of godsbut the Regent should sit together to create a grand design that will become the thorough working patterns. The Ego must be removed if you have sectoral desiremaking the tourism sector as a leading sector.

Sumba island tourism potential needs to be managed in a nice original income boostto the area. And on the other hand moves the people's economy and service sectors of hospitality and restaurants as well as art clubs. Tourism should be viewed as an economic movement to advance the economy of the region.

1 comment:

Doni christian said...

sorry gan :D,baru belajar !!