Sunday, October 12, 2014

News : fundraiser for Gaza held in Cairo

More than 50 countries and organisations gathered in Cairo, Egypt to participate in the International Conference for restoration of Gaza, Sunday (12/10). This Conferenceis a forum for fundraising to gather assistance around 4 billion u.s. dollars.

The Forum was initiated by Egypt, Palestine and Norway. Egypt's Foreign Ministry saidthe forum aims to defend and support the Palestinian people who had been suffering from physical and mental pressure as a result of Israel's military operation.

"They have sustainable materials that continue to collapse," said Egypt's ForeignMinistry cited the Russian News Agency. Political and economic support is also aimed at extending the ceasefire, maintaining stability and restore the back area of the Gaza Strip were destroyed.

Israel launched military operations in the Gaza Strip in July and lasts for 50 days. Inthat period, more than two thousand people have died and almost all economic infrastructure throughout the area destroyed.

The President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah El Side declared Egypt would continue to becommitted to not leaving Gaza. Source kepresidan unnamed Egypt told Ahram OnlineSide underscores the efforts of Egypt to release Gaza from damage, lifting the sufferingof the Palestinian people in cooperation with the Palestinian Authorities and the Government combined.

"Full recovery of Gaza can only occur if the back is connected to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the other Palestinian. So we are extending their hand tothe international community to become partners in peace and be a friend that weneed, "said Rami Hamdallah Palestinian PRIME MINISTER in a report for the Conference.

The report, entitled plan of Early recovery and reconstruction of the Gaza Strip is estimated at menyasar construction 60 thousand homes have been damaged anddestroyed during the war. This amounts to just 18 percent of the total damage that plagued Gaza. About 100 thousand people now homeless.

The Forum also asked Israel to stop the delivery of goods at the border restrictionsthat will reconstruct the Gaza Strip, eliminating regulations at the border, and to giveeconomic advantages in the Gaza Strip.

The talks that raised issues of Palestine and Israel has grown since the end of August to September in Cairo. Until a financial plan for the restoration of the Gaza Strip are expected to restore justice for Palestinians in Gaza.

Many countries including the United States, officials from the Organization of the United Nations, the European Union, the Arab League, the Middle East, the IMF andthe World Bank confirm will participate in the forum. Special Envoy for the Middle East, Foreign Minister and Deputy Mikhail Bogdanov will represent Russia at this Conference.

This Forum will also be exploited John Kerry for calling for peace talks that deadlocked.Kerry was scheduled to meet with Mahmoud Abbas in Cairo. While U.S. officials doubtthe forum will reach a target of 4 billion u.s. dollars for the reconstruction plans.

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